Thursday, October 29, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes

Well, what difference a day makes. I was told that I had spots on the bones . I was sent for xrays. The next day I went to the doctor in the afternoon and after spending two hours waiting for information that was missing to be tracked down I was told that there were no confirming spots on the bones and that there was only one spot on the knee that was atypical for cancer.

The doctor was optimistic and said that what was left could be treated.

I relief that I feel is intense and I am still determined to do everything that I have spoken about in previous emails and feel the same was but now it is with more enthusiasm and still plenty of love,


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Wonderful to Have Friends

I am taking a moment to be grateful for your friendship and all the beauty that we have shared.

It is more important to me than the news of the spread of the cancer to several spots in the bones and the need to start hormone therapy which will remove any testosterone from my body.
I am giving up many pretenses to deal with the essence of living , 5 years by the doctors estimate and am going to pursue a course of hope and love instead of fear and clinging.

I am not the victim of a disease , it is not an enemy. It is a profound opportunity to learn grow and love.

I will pursue the doctors protocols and keep a strict regime of healthy living . THe process of physically dying can be postponed for me as well as all of us but the process of living richly and fully in all matters cannot. From the most important physical thing in living , the breath, comes the word inspire .

From here and now on if plans do not inspire they will be exchanged for plans that do.

Most importantly...


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The body that I am in has prostate cancer and a rather aggressive form of it.

I am in the process of treating this as a voyage of discovery that started on Columbus day.

It may lead to the end of this bodies existence or to recovery . I am going to extend all efforts to the latter and prepare for the former.

I am determined to treat this entire process as a blessing of Karma to heal what I need to heal for this lifetime. I a grateful for your friendship and thank you for being part of the existence of this life.
