Thursday, February 6, 2014

Party Planning

           The process is underway. I am writing my invitations to the Come to Awake party . We have lined up an art director , an MC ,  some musicians maybe even some kirtan singers, today I order the coffin , a cardboard box that everyone can write or draw or whatever on. Talking about where to have the event and getting the guest list together.
       Got my first chemo of the year a drug called Carbo-taxol . So far so good. Lighter dose so it should be easier to withstand . Also got saline at the same time which does a world of good.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lots of good news

At  last . Yesterday my day was made. My niece after careful consideration has decided to be part of the meditation retreat in Phuket. I have offered her the opportunity to take two months to study with one of best western mediation teachers in the world. A student of the Dalai Lama and someone for whom I have a deep reverence and affection. He was a major force behind the Shamatha Project which is one of the most meaningful things that I have ever done and something that  transcended the mundane and lift part of my life for the service of all . He is a brilliant scholar whose humanity is so bright that it dims the luster of his brilliance.
        His name is Alan Wallace and it is now my goal to introduce this favorite niece to the rigors and rewards of the deep insights and profound satisfactions that two months of meditation will yield.
         She has the courage, strength of character , and  fortitude to do this and I am determined to give her  the opportunity.
         She wishes to be a social worker and this will help her go from being a good one to being a great one.Her clients will benefit from the insight that she gains, she will learn much of herself to serve them better and will make her career that much more satisfying .
           My partner Allie, a retired social worker, is living proof of this to me.
            It is something intangible that I can arrange  or at least try to . Not having much left in life to do this is important to me.
          The other good news is that I have decided to order a cardboard casket  and throw a party where I will have everyone who comes sign the casket or draw on it or create whatever they wish. For those who cannot make the trip I will invite them to write or create or imagine something to be included.
          The party will be called " Come to Awake". The double meanings  will be, I hope, understood and enjoyed by all