Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Learning the craft

        And I was doing so well.  Just had a blissful Sunday. Normally, I would have gone to someone's meditation and sat with them for a long while but my heart was into just being and not doing.  The day passed in exquisite fashion until the call came from a neighbor about having a pow-wow about the neighborhood drama.  It revolves around  a wall built on property that allegedly belongs to a group of us. The reason we all own a piece is that the road in 1983 was not paved and somehow the group got the right to pave the road by buying  it. The new neighbor wanted to have a privacy fence so that his exotic jumping horses would not be spooked by cars or whatever riffraff were passing in front of the house. The fence was built, allegedly with some influence on the city at a meeting that caused the burden of proof about the fences height to be shifted from the builder of the fence to whomever objected. (I feel like a legal secretary about now.)
       Anyway, the neighbor objecting has a vast amount of experience in these matters and has pursued it with bulldog tenacity to where he has now decided to take it to court and buck it up to the appellate court, the court of record in which the rules of law are written into action.
       If you are still reading, I congratulate you on your persistence.
       What is being asked of the neighborhood is to sign on to this lawsuit.
       Personally I have been somewhat in the dark and depressed about taking my time to involve myself in this bit of politics. The possibility for acrimony, ill-will , and hard feelings is ripe in this situation.  None of which I could see as helping the healing process that my body needs. It needs compassion and I do not feel up to it.
      That and the drugs kicked in and no matter how good the meditation they can catch me up when something like this gets going. By last night I was in trouble.
       Physically felt fine today. Lifted weights,  got my vitamin C transfusion, the phlebotomist is getting really good with me--I did not even feel the needle. Then did some financial counseling with her.
       Called my friend W and she cheered me up and then gave me the idea that maybe we can sell this right of way to the man who built the fence.
       Went to hear the Jewish mystic so I could dance, and listen. He was wonderful; I felt rejuvenated. The story revolved around the metaphor for thinking horizontally and vertically. The horizontal thought process involves rational thinking and behavior judging, understanding and acting while the vertical thinking is allowing the spaciousness and light of God to shine into awareness. It was inspiring.
       Came home and realized that if we got this neighborhood group together I will propose some type of sale to the new neighbor. Give the bulk of the proceeds to the bulldog and everyone can walk away with their reputations intact and rewarded at the same time.
        I think it will be worth the effort, and who knows?

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