Friday, January 14, 2011

THe SHinzen Young retreat in LA


Arrived in Los Angeles today to see the Tibetan Doctor and to begin the SHinzen Young  meditation retreat . It is a longer version of what I was doing in Oracle Arizona so I will chronicle what is going on here and try to catch up with the backlog of experiences that have transpired since my last posting.

           Start with the arrival of prima amiga on Dec. 7 . Her arrival is a blessing for me and one that I devoutly look forward to. We have crossed the Rubicon in the aspect of deciding to have a loving relationship so there is no longer any doubt in my mind about having a spiritual partner for life or lives if you will. It has taken us three years of building this relationship with each other and the foundation is rock solid. Now we are looking to building a beautiful edifice based on awareness , honesty , and joy. It was something that I had wanted in the marriage that I was part of but that desire had to wait until the proper person came along.  Our previous spouses came form our particular needs in the outer world whereas what we do together is work with manifestations of the outer that is the reflection of  the inner.

           My birthday was the 9th  of December and to celebrate I invited all of the meditators that I knew for a sit t my house. Pot luck watch the sunset and the sit. About 15 people showed up on Thursday night and we had a chance to enjoy a beautiful sunset. A surprise person showed up in the form of a therapist that I have been seeing for  several years , she never goes to any events and by happenstance she called me several days before the party and accepted  my invitation.

               The evening was magical a beautiful sunset which was watched in meditative quietness, excellent food, a gift from the prima Amiga of a meditation bowl which when struck resonates with the heart accompanying one into the meditation with the heart vibrating. After the meditation the prima amiga had everyone tell of  something that they had been inspired about me. Something which I am not used to hearing and I thought it was the most marvelous of birthday presents. To hear how people love  are inspired and respect me was a great honor and one that I will cherish the rest of my life.  I  see how adulation could be a major addiction.

 More tomorrow.

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