Friday, November 5, 2010

Not as bad a feared

  Went to the oncologist office today with S my  friend who has had breast cancer and is a gifted reiki therapist as well as being brilliant and caring and B who is a close friend and a CNA at the local hospice. They  and I listened to the information that was given to me about the bodies condition. What is the generally said was that the Bone Scan was excellent, A CT  scan is in order and the the PSA number is rising. This indicates that the cancer is replicating without testosterone. I have gone off of Casodex and the results of that will not be know until  next month but being off that may be temporary( reminds me of the Buddhist teaching on all things being subject to impermanence ) until the next series of events. After the next blood test  a decision needs to made as to follow a course of the chemotherapy drug taxatore. It is a plant alkaloid that attacks the rapidly dividing cells of the body. Cancer is the primary target, however other rapidly dividing cells are also attacked so stomach lining , nails and hair are also subject to attack. The side effects are nausea ,diarrhea , weight gain, sleepiness, and numbness in the fingers and toes.
            Both S and B  were optimistic about what they heard  I believe that to be the correct attitude.
            I got  phone call from Prima AMiga right before I went into the doctors office but did not catch it in time and the message was garbled. I know she sent love and encouragement and I am most appreciative as well as grateful for S& B for their company, love and  support. Friends are good.
            So next week is meditation with SHinzen Young who wrote of dealing with the pain of difficult emotions  and pain in general. THe right person at the right time.

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