Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stepping Even Further Into the Unknown

           Below is a letter that I wrote on a blog belonging to Daniel Ingram, a Buddhist who talks about levels of awareness and siddhis or psychic powers. I have been hesitant to discuss this stuff but since I now have a good reason to, I am doing so.
           The ability to do this stuff is not of any great interest to me. The use of magic, which some of this stuff certainly qualifies as, is important to me only in the healing of the body. (OBE stand for Out of Body Experience.)

      Thirty year ago I had most of the abilities that Daniel talks about: OBE, past lives awareness, toma, the ability to generate heat, I even once sat on a beach at night and everything around me turned pink in reflected light.  I also could disappear. When it first happened I was meditating in front of a mirror and when I opened my eyes I could only see the wall behind. me. I was fascinated and tried it several times. Going into and out of view. However since I had been into the psychedelic scene several years before I had come to not entirely believe everything that was happening to me--especially if it was so out of the ordinary. 
      The other factors for my disbelief was that it was night and all that was lighting the room was the outside streetlamp. At that point I decided to conduct the process as an experiment. Several weeks later after practicing I visited a good friend and asked her to meditate with me looking right at each other. She was willing to go along with the experiment as she trusted it would be interesting. What I observed after I disappeared was that her mouth dropped open in astonishment and then I came back to normal vision. We talked about what had happened and she was astonished that I knew exactly what I was doing. Still I was not completely satisfied since the experiment had been done in a room at dusk and that lead me to doubt. 
     I finally decided to do the experiment in a place where I would have no doubts. It was on the Skyline Parkway in Virginia near Swannanoa. The summer day was nearly cloudless, I was in an open field with two friends, and it was a little after noon. Without warning I disappeared in front of them and their jaws dropped and eyes were rubbed.  I confirmed what I had done. I still am in contact with the first lady I did it with and we talk about the experience from time to time. Soon afterward I got word from my guru to stop messing with siddhis as they were his, not mine. I ceased my experiments and can no longer do any of the above consciously.
     I would not be interested in pursuing this, except that the body that I have for this lifetime is diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and because of the rather advanced stage needs extraordinary healing. So far it has happened. PSA, which is a measuring system used in Prostate cancer, has had results that have been several standard deviations from the norm in rate of decline. I am pleased and I realize that this is great but given what the situation is, magic is needed.
    Since I have already experienced and practiced magic I invite comments on how to proceed or/and if to proceed in merging these former abilities in helping with the current situation

That is the post I left on the blog. Please comment if you wish.

      The events of the last few days have been sitting with a zen group Sunday and offer to sit with them at the end of the month which I may do.
       Monday evening consisted of dancing with local jewish mystic Michael Schapiro, and then listening to his stories. The dancing is great fun, the ladies I dance with quite good, and the stories are fascinating. He told of the experience he had when as a young married man: He went to a large park in LA at night with his wife. Seeing a large man who then yelled at him that they needed to talk, he invited him over to sit with him and do so. The man that approached was scared and armed.  When he approached, Michael felt a force that took over his life and he invited the man to sit on the grass which Michael was sitting on .  The man  did so  and then he proceeded to talk for 45 minutes telling Michael his life story. The story is  that of being  on the run as a penitentiary escapee,  that of being a former navy underwater welder,  being  from Mississippi and other aspects of his life. At the end of the tale of his life story he pointed out to them that what he was doing by sitting with them was protecting them from other marauders. Of whom Michael became aware when it was pointed out. 
       The whole evening has a divine flavor to it and is quite drawing me further into his realm. It is listening to more of the divine magic which I am becoming aware of and have been stepping into as part of the healing of soul and body.
        Today I was given a transfusion of Zometa, an osteoporosis drug. Very useful in combating the effects of the hormone drugs on the skeletal structure. The side effects are flu like symptoms that can last for several days. I will know by the morning if the effects are going to hit me like they did last month.

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