Sunday, May 9, 2010

The week ahead

      This week should be busy. My closest relative arrive tomorrow. My cousin/big sister have know each other our entire lives. My first meeting with her was captured on film by my father. I am the one in the carriage and she is the cute little girl smiling next it. She has been instrumental in helping me in the last five years and my debt to her is enormous. She is also the person who will have control over the living will. Given the circumstances that are extant we need to throughly discuss what to do in arising situations.
      She and I then will attend a medical meeting with a cardiologist who will be giving a baseline study of heart health. The drugs being administered by the other physicians are deleterious to the heart. These are options that the allopathic world is administering that I am going to have to make a decision about leaving at some time. Not now, but the time is coming . Less is more in this situation until none is best is the plan.
     The ex will be at the doctors office with us and perhaps will socialize  for awhile. I do not like my ex but I trust her judgement and respect her and her opinion . Therefore I am going to coordinate my cousin and my ex into  the oversight of the living will.
      I have no desire to stay a moment beyond my fated time and I wish that it would be sooner in dire circumstances rather than later. Deciding that fate is what we will discuss.
    Wednesday K arrives , she is becoming integral to the bodies health. She is becoming the embodiment of maternal energy and our shared goal of using the mind to heal has intensified on almost a daily basis with discussion , sharing, understanding, and love. I wish her to know my cousin and for my cousin to deepen her understanding of what is transpiring.
      Thursday we three go to Tucson to visit a Tibetan physician and listen to what she recommends. She is associated with Alan Wallace and has a great deal of respect in the Shamatha community of which I am a part. That evening another shamatha meditation teacher in Tucson is giving a teaching and we will attend.
       Friday we will drive back from Tucson and K will leave in the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Fred, you can NEVER convince me you were ever that small! ;-) Good luck on this week's adventure(s)...
