Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Second day at three day retreat

This was written three days ago while on retreat on a computer that did not have internet access:

I am now in Cochise Stronghold for a three  day meditation retreat. It is based around shamatha Vispassana and will be mostly sitting meditation with some guidance and talking and lat least that is what I expect.
            Since the John of God I have been doing the protocol that accompanies the visit. Drinking some of the holy water not doing any fancy energy work, ie yoga reiki shamans etc. and staying in bed between 12 and 5 in the morning, except for bathroom breaks.
            The results have been that while I feel fine the energy level that I have is subdued and I am devoting my time to playing chess, meditation reading,  hulu- the free movie channel and  talking with the prima amiga about a book that we are reading by Philp Moffit called dancing  with life.
            It is a study of the four noble truths and how they can have a beneficial effect on the mind. It is \ useful in that the other day I got the lab results about the PSA numbers and they are showing a minor rise. That is not good .  The mental consternation that this causes is quite pronounced and if I did not have meditation practice to fall back upon I cannot imagine how I would be able to handle the  anxiety and fear that is engendered. I can look at it as an opportunity to deepen my practice as I watch this news has its effects.
            The blood test was taken before the trip to New York so that is one variable in the equation that has yet to be factored in. Another comes from my urologist who just attended a conference on the subject and has taken me off of Casodex , the oral pill that is a testosterone suppressant. It seems that that may be the cause of the rise.
            The next test will give some more salient information.
            So I have my work cut out for me . Staying present with the news and watching each piece of the play unolf without attachemt,

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