Friday, October 1, 2010

John of God

     In the plains of Brazil lives a healer know as John of God . A man who at nine years old was visited by entities spiritual beings that directed him by taking possession of his body and using the body to heal people. He has quite a track record and his famous throughout the world.  When I started the journey I felt that I would be going to see him and had prepared myself to go to Brazil/, John was coming to AMerica specifically to the Omega Institute in Rhine beck New York.  A discussion with a friend revealed that he wanted to see John and further discussion revealed that there were two more  pilgrims . We banded together bought our tickets arranged for the event and were on our way.
       In a large white circus tent 1300 people all dressed in white gathered to see the entity and receive the healing blessings that are given. We lined up  in queues several hundred people deep to parade in front of the entity and receive instructions as to whether we would receive a special blessing , or a spiritual intervention,
    The first day I was told to come back for a spiritual intervention. That afternoon I joined t several hundred people getting a spiritual intervention. We were brought  into to the main building from the tent and placed in chairs and rows that facilitated large numbers being blessed in rapid order. THe whole process which involved closing the eyes placing the hand over the heart and  listening to a blessing from the entity,
      I said the pledge of allegiance , It seemed natural ,Then got the blessing from the entity, It was easy. We were then escorted back to the circus tent and given the instruction to go to bed for 24 hours.
       I thought that was a bit long but it turned out about right. All I could do was sleep. And I awoke from that sleep stiff and sore. The explanation is that the entities had done surgery and that we were in recovery mode. It certainly felt as if I had been hit by a truck.
       The following day my fellow pilgrims got their spiritual interventions and I realized that I was the designated driver. Taking all three of them back to the hotel where they could rest. I went for another pass in front of the entity and was told to return the next morning for another spiritual intervention.  THe evening passed very painfully , difficult to sleep aches in hips, backs, fingers, and an intense sense of being in that situation. An intense sense of awareness that made it difficult to sleep.
        I returned to blessing room for the spiritual intervention , received it and was exhausted by the time I walked back to the circus tent. It was  raining very hard and I was difficult to stay dry  even thought I had a raincoat. My energy became weaker and weaker and slept in  house on the campus designed to the weary. Cots were everywhere.
       The pilgrims then started our return journey to Phoenix. Each of us were exhausted and coughing , dizzy and hardly functioning. The long flight was delayed because of weather and we did not arrive until midnight local time in Phoenix.
      I ache, my butt is sore from the sitting, my sinuses are draining , I have an appointment this afternoon to receive the Zometa transfusion . That does not seem wise at the moment.
        I did not take a camera but R took pictures so when he sends it to me I will post it.


  1. Wow...a Kosmic Ass-Kicking. Hope it helps...

  2. All I can say is - WOW. You are doing things I've never heard of before. I hope all these things are helping. I'm glad you are writing to let us know what is happening. I wish you well and keep you in my thoughts. Love, Diana
