Tuesday, July 16, 2013

coming off drugs

It has been a few days since my last blog and so I should write something just to keep my hand in. I have been coming off of the drug prednisone and everything ached and I was constantly tired. It is a steroid and as such came to replace the endrocrine system in my body with an artificial drug. As  I am no longer on chemotherapy the need for prednisone is gone but removing oneself from the dependence on the drug comes with a price and I payed it in the form of achiness and sleep.
Consequently there is not much to report save going to a lovely dual birthday  party for one of of my friends in the KM ( Kali-metta) group and his charming daughter. The laughter and good cheer were appreciated when my consciousness was so caught in attending to physical pain.
I had a  long conversation with one of my KM buddies who also has had cancer. She is addressing her post operational world with spiritual methodology , diet , and prayer. She and I are from more o

f the guru tradition than  the others in the group and as such shared a few stories. 
        I was impressed with her courage .

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