Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Catholic church has banished limbo but I seem to have found it.

         After days of waiting for days to hear from my doctor about the eligibility that I have for receiving the drug Xofigo I heard from my radiologist that  the name that she was given as the contact person who had approved  of the drug for me  was not the name of anyone who worked for the drug company.
         My radiologist believes that it is a misunderstanding of the name  that was given to her by my oncologist who made the original contact with the drug representative and that it will be corrected as soon as my two doctors contact each other.
         Applying Occams razor logic to the process makes it seem the most reasonable and least complicated explanation but it certainly is not emotionally satisfying nor does it leave me in any position to plan anything like if I can g,o somewhere or not. I need to be able to respond to this as quickly as possible when it is approved since the cancer in my body is not taking a holiday and the sooner it is dealt with the longer is my life.
              Speaking of illnesses one of the side effects from chemo seems to be a susceptibility to diarrhea , which leads to an electrolyte imbalance and severe pain and exhaustion .  My :social world is of necessity very small due to lack of energy. Fortunately what it lacks in quantity it more than makes up in quality.  So when I had to forgo the opportunity to get with my KM group, ie friends, it was with regret . But Monday afternoon I began to experience severe pain in my biceps to such an extent that I was in tears. 
           That is when the only place I can turn to is prayer . Enough to give me the strength to endure what is happening. My prayers are generally answered ,for which I can only say thank you.
         I did however miss the gathering of my friends 
          Yesterday ,Tuesday , I spent most of the day in bed and was unable to attend the evening meditation with Allie . I was so out of it that I forgot my acupuncture appointment in the afternoon.
          Today I have an appointment at 11 am . It is for shots and blood work.

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