Thursday, April 15, 2010

Body awareness and mountain hiking

         Awoke feeling okay and then did 40 minutes of body awareness meditation something happened during the meditation that made me very relaxed. Enjoyed it but did not follow up on anything. THen read Andrew Weil's newsletter about the effects of high blood pressure and the feelings of loneliness. Lights went off and I got the answer to my question the other day about loneliness and what to do about it. Body awareness meditation to start . Went for a hike in which the pictures will be included below and on the way home spoke to my cousin who is a nurse. She told me that salt puts blood pressure up. Now I had a second strategy to deal with the situation. Cutdown on salt. Going to try this awhile using both meditation and low salt diet to see what transpires. Interesting how things seem to flow together.
          Below are the pictures I took today.

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