Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last Nights Dream

Arouse last night with an intense sensation of being. It was like driving a car a very high speed. The focus was particularly intense with no deviation from the moment but not at all calm and relaxed. Sat with it for an hour in meditation and then returned to sleep. Not rested.

Then had a dream in which I was at war with an enemy that could invade anything that I ate or drank and could use that against me. And was doing so. The enemy was even getting into the foods that I wanted to eat and would leave markers letting me know of its invasive qualities.

Woke up into a hypnogogic sleep and realized that I could use a dream state that I had learned of the other day which I called the grey zone. A state that would transform anything from black to white or white to black or sophisticated to rough or rough to sophisticated or whatever opposite that exists into its opposite to any degree that I wished.

Took the invasive energy in my dreams and with a lucid dream watched as the energy was transformed into an ally of healing energy.

Awoke this morning and wrote this down looked on a website for Ram Dass meetup group an got an email from an inquiry I had posted on a health and wellness group on the site. Her first line was

You can ask your helpers to come answer you as you are about to drift off each night.

This is getting to be a real adventure.


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