Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The quality of decisions that one makes reflects the quality of results that are achieved. If the mind is at ease, rested, and balanced then the decisions will reflect that . If that mind has all relevant data discussed at length then the decision will reflect that and the consequences will have been foreseen. I am weighing the option of using an aggressive traditional medical approach to a more sanguine approach of allopathic and homeopathic. While no one has suggested that I consider a straight homeopathic approach many have suggested that I rely completely on allopathic.

It does not reflect my background. My mother was a Christian Scientist and while not strictly faithful to the tenants of the religion she nevertheless was a life long believer. During the early spiritual seeker stage of my life she was immensely supportive seeing what was like in what I was doing compared to her faith and not dwelling on the differences.

My father was a chemist who believed in none of that stuff but was tolerant and loving towards me although he did not understand.

My ex-wife is an M.D., a pathologist, and after the divorce drifted in the Sikh religion where she finds happiness being the assistant to a Reiki Master Teacher and a Reiki master herself. She has been advising me and is going to the doctor with me on the 17th. This will be interesting.
This makes for my unique way to approach that with which I am dealing.

I will be needing to make difficult choices relating to the therapy that is available.
I am gathering information to discover both what is available, what choices that I have and how I am going to approach each of these choices and also what combinationof choices that will make the mix of what I am willing to do and more importantly whatI believe will bring me to healing.

The belief that something will heal is important to me. Drug companies have to eliminate the placebo effect in which people get well by taking nothing more than an innocuous inert substance. So what they prove is that the mind can have a profound effect on the body irrespective of the drug. It comes to the nature of belief. I have to find that place where what I believe -- be it allopathic or homeopathic -- is balanced in such away that the soul, body, and mind are healed.

On a lighter note a wonderful friend has been visiting me for the last week and we have been enjoying each others company as two playmates . She is a spiritual seeker who comes by to play with me and teach me profound lessons in meta-cognitive awareness, mindfulness, and healing.

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