Wednesday, January 27, 2010


As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I've got a little list — I've got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs —
All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs —
All children who are up in dates, and floor you with 'em flat —
All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that —
And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist —
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!

The Mikado    Gilbert and Sullivan

   I wrote an email to an acquaintance who asked as to what I am doing that is lowering the PSA level in the body. He called the rate of decline magical so I answered with a list which I will share.

acupuncture, ADT, blogging, bookkeeping insurance
guidance ,buddhist lectures, energy rolfing, energy circle
healing, flaxseed lingans, guided imagery destroying the
cancer cells,  kirtan ,  lemon grass pills,  L-serine pills,    a
naturopathic doctor recommended by the ex,who has a mixture
he makes up via an electromagnetic process,  palmitic acid
pills, pranayama which are breathing exercises, a
psychologist, reiki healing,  scalar waves,  sleeping with
friends,  shamans , a vegan diet catered by a friend who works
specifically with cancer patients and diabetics ,
 prayer, vipassana acceptance meditations,  vitamin C
transfusions, Vitamin D pills, walking in the sunshine
minimally dressed,  weight lifting,  weight loss,  yoga , and
zeo-gold pills.
It is a growing  list with things being added at the rate they are being added.

Discrimination and longing

The pain of love became the medicine for every heart, the difficulty could never be solved without love.                                                            ATTAR

     Discrimination and longing, having changed physically rather radically in the last three months has left me intensely aware of things that I ignored or did not know exist. It has been a time of growth emotionally that probably compares with the growth that a child goes through when they are 4 to 10 years old. The perception of the world is no longer in the place that it was . The human contact that I have is very valuable and is indispensable and the longing for divine contact grows daily. THe longing for God is beginning to replace more and more desires.
         The longing is growing but the world needs to be treated with respect and careful discrimination. So a balance must be struck.
         WHen I was young I made a life plan that would put me in the position of becoming a  renuciate in my old age.
         In India there is a long tradition of  the elderly retiring from life to contemplate existence in preparation for death and being reborn. That tradition does not exist in the west but needs to be introduced , I may have to go to India to be part of it but I hope that it can be here as well.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Healthy Foods

Lunch was BBQ Peanut soup  with quinoa and dinner is Red Curry soup with quinoa. Made lots of quinoa in the rice cooker and just heat it up. Goes with everything, is a complete protein in itself, and is easy to make.

J, my chef, stopped by today delivering my weeks worth of meals. Gave me a quick talk about the two substances in my life. One is Stevia which is a plant that is the genus of about 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family.(Thanks Wiki.)  it has an intense sweetness and has virtually no impact on blood glucose. It is the only type of sweetener that I have run across that passes the muscle testing that I am doing to determine what foods are viable and which ones aren't. I use the muscle test of how much energy it takes to pull apart the thumb and pinkie finger.  I have used a variation of this years ago when I designed a diet around muscle testing I felt phenomenal then but fell away from the diet as I traveled. Since I am presented with all types of food choices I am using this as a method to give me an idea of what the energy system of the body does not want.

J is an excellent chef, philosopher, cooking teacher and friend. His clients consist of the 40% of diabetics , 20% good food buffs, and 40% cancer patients. He was diabetic in his younger years, most of his family is also diabetic, but instead of following the medical model, he designed a healthy diet, is no longer diabetic, and lectures to various groups about diet and food as well .

Mentioned to him that flaxseed lingans are now part of the regime that my body is on. His response was that the way that the body works is that cancer cells are passed into the colon where they need to be flushed and since the flaxseed becomes a gelatinous substance akin to metamucill the cancer cells are flushed from the body more fully. I used to have diarrhea about once a week but that  has not happened in months. More beneficial results in building a healthy body.

The rest of the day was getting Vitamin-C transfusions and working out. I am going to a meditation and talk about the kabbalah  tonight and getting the car fixed tomorrow, plus working on stuff around the house.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


There are fast changes and their are slow changes. The fast changes are the ones that are engineered on the spot, or quickly, and may or may not have been thought through very thoroughly. They are more reactions than responses. With years of faith in god and guru the changes that were made have served me very well. The organization and actions that are in place feel to be the right ones, and so far the results have been most encouraging.

The next step for me is to develop a goal and work towards it. That goal is to go to Kainchi in India to visit and stay in the ashram of my guru Neem Karoli Baba.  I want to meet the people who knew Maharaji personally and drink from the well of spirit which they have shared with the members of the community  their whole lives. People for whom the presence of Maharaji is not something that was an unusual occurrence but people whose faith was bolstered by physical presence, bolstered by our compatriots and friends and with whom the love of the guru is a conduit to god in the self.

Cancer is a big wake up call. It puts into perspective what is important and what is not. There is learning that health is very precious, and that health includes, but is not limited to, having cancer go into remission. The health that I refer to is to finding oneself and the deepest level of understanding and prepare to live fully by letting go of that which is not following the guru's teachings.

Back to slow changes, with the goal in mind steps are now being thought through and guidance is being sought as to how to implement them.  The physical, emotional, spiritual, material, and anything not yet recognized changes that have to be followed daily to gain that end.

It is not a hope, it is a plan. Cancer may ruin the plan and destroy this body, then the desire will live until it can be fulfilled.

Maybe at a later date I will explore the why's and wherefore but not today.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

And in typical non-buddhist fashion I am delighted and relieved to spread the word that the PSA number that I had for this month has continued to decline, moving from 33 in October to 57 in November to 2.4 in December to 1.0 this month. I allow myself a few moments of elation, then spread the word to everyone via phone, email, and blog. After the elation comes the humbling and grateful realization of how many people care as deeply as they do. 

The process of getting the material is difficult. The rules do not allow the patient to get the results of their own tests so I had to wind up begging a secretary to one of the doctors to allow me to get the results read to me over the phone. She was kind in the middle of her busy day, no one was in the office except her today.

Next month my ex-wife will be back in town; she receives a copy of the results which I anticipate that she will share with me.

The next method of healing that I will explore is with crystals. I have a recommendation of four and probably more at some point. The four are Healer's Gold, for prostate, Snowflake Obsidian, to limit the spread of cancer, Picture Jasper, for bone regeneration, and one of the three following bloodstone, hematite, or petrified wood, for bone marrow. Each of them have healing properties and I will let you know when I find out what happens. W, who is an engineer, tells me that there is a resonance that material substances have electrically that if the resonance is correct have a significant change in voltage.
I am lining up several healers and modalities that I need to engage in the next anticipated event. That of taking the drug Zometa. The drug laid me out for 40 hours last month and felt like I was kicked in the chest by a mule. The strategy to deal with this is to get acupuncture, reikki, energy rolfing, and do specific yoga exercises as well as weight training  to deal with the assault on the body. The date I get this is Feb 5 and I am beginning to get this lined up.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Energy healing and more transformation

  Ah the mind, it thinks that what it has to say is of importance it believes the thoughts it has are informative if not true, and it lives in this deceptive haze throughout the entire process convinced that everything lasts. That certainly is something to ponder ;-)

Today was a day filled with vitamin C transfusions, psychotherapy, and energetic rolfing healing. Tomorrow portends the first test of the reduced PSA levels. At 9 AM the clin-path laboratory will have blood drawn from my body and within 48 to 72 hours results will be noted.
I am slowly gathering a team of people in whom I have confidence in leading me to a healthy outcome of the current situation. That may mean that the body dies but the spirit will be mine that continues. That may be the outcome and if it is, it too will be healthy.
My healer and I talked of the strength of suggestion and how someone in authority can say or do the something that can be deleterious. While I have not encountered that in the physicians, I have encountered it in the support groups. Pity is not useful.
J the healer related a story of how he had had dental surgery without novicane, something that I do also since I find the drug much more difficult to deal with than the pain. His dentist told him that he could not have the root canal without the drug; J suffered more from that experience than any other dental work that he had ever had. The suggestion by someone in authority that something is necessary when it clearly isn't becomes very powerful in the health care field.
The opposite I believe is also true. To harness the mind to heal and not suffer.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Help wanted: Wise Man or a Wiseass.

Trying to write again when the spirit of writing does not want to visit . Today got an transfusion with a plastic needle lots easier on the veins. Let me live through  the experience with out pain. I can continue doing the vitamin c with this type of response. Got a new primary physician last week a acupuncture MD who will give me advise on both worlds and when I have to deal with the crap of the transfusions from the Zomeata will I hope help me prepare for the experience with acupuncture.

Shopping for a new phone. Getting tired of having to watch the number of cell phone minutes so I do not run over. Probably go with T-Moblie unlimited. I can talk a lot with that phone.

Next project after the phone is to figure out how to volunteer to work with. I have skills, god knows what they are, and let me use them to help people. Keep me busy and out of some of this emotional roller coaster ride.  I wonder if they have need of a wise man or perhaps just a wiseass.


Reached a point the other day in which I could not write. My sense of exploring my mind and senses and reporting back was gone. Several times I took up writing this blog and after extensive outpourings I found the material neither interesting, true, funny, or meaningful.

I do not have standards that are that high and when what I write does not even reach that paltry level I gave up.

I did work out and over did some of the exercises but that hardly  seems blog worthy.

Friday morning I did a transfusion of VItamin C and the result was another painful intubation where the  needle left the vein. Later that day I was given a transfusion of Zometa, a drug that replaces the bone tissue that both the metastases and the hormone therapy is depriving me of.

After leaving the office I went for a hike. Touring the Squaw Peak park I explored some trails that I had not taken before and while hiking had the opportunity to receive a call from the urologist on my case asking about an email that I had sent him. The brief conversation, having a doctor call me--what a novelty--left me elated when reported the PSA number and he called the results superb.

 The reaction however that evening at 2 in the morning was chest pain and after an hour of that cramping in the chest, and exhaustion that led to intermittent sleep for the next 40 hours. This is a drug reaction that I will have  to expect for two or three more times according to the assistant of Dr. O, my local oncologist.

Fortunately I spent the evening with a friend who I felt would be able to take me to the emergency room if necessary. As would my neighbor, whom I call  the wrathful aspect of compassion, when I told him about the situation. He said  that  the best emergency room is Mayo Bros.

Wednesday I was tested for TB at the hospice where I volunteer and was also given an injection of  H1N1 vaccine for swine flu. The TB test will be read on Friday.
More news is that BC/BS does not want to pay for my doctor visit to the physicians in LA "out of area" and am going to have to deal with that as another opportunity to learn coping skills in the insurance world.
Most of the time there is a forgetting of the beauty of living and breathing when these situations present themselves. But that is the very thing that will destroy the most valuable part of life if I follow those impulses. All of the skills that am learning are part of the environment which is coming at me. Softening my response to them will be more productive than being hard and strong. Gentle overcomes hard. The beauty that surrounds me also grows as I let go into these challenges.

S, a man I have know for five years, is now visiting me . Years of cajoling him to come have been fulfilled. I met him at an Alan Wallace retreat years ago, the first Alan Wallace Shamatha meditation retreat that I participated in. Young enough to be a son I find him wise, perceptive, and attentive.

We visited a Shaman out near Roosevelt Lake yesterday and enjoyed the clear air beautiful sights and company of interesting people.
I have more to say but if I do not publish this I will never begin to catch up

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello -butterflies, bubbles, and bees

The committee of the body is called to order. How can we heal Fred and make him healthy and whole? We have to nominate someone to speak for us as a whole and to speak for the various parts or not. Maybe we will just proceed in a rather chaotic fashion sorting out who wants to speak and what to say as we go.

I the abdomen will have the first say. If Fred relaxes into a general state of loving awareness I begin to tingle. Right now I feel warm and full. I also feel alive and healthy but there are others in here who want to have their say.

Mr intestine: I am stuffed Fred has been cooking today and has been snacking.

The heart is beginning to speak" Make things different I want things like I want them and I don't want to hurt.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thoughts and friends

It is interesting to me that people actually read what I have to say in these blogs. The latest surprise is my former sister in law.  A former nurse, she has been following the methods of treatment that I have been investigating and sent me some emails concerning the Oasis of Healing and their proposed method of therapy dealing with Insulin Potentiation Therapy or IPT. There are two sides to these discussions and she dutifully sent me information about both and a background upon the founder of the group. I appreciate her interest.

It is surprising to me what this endeavor is becoming.  Having my life spelled out in the internet for all to view is a feeling that I find; flattering, that people actually care, humbling, I do not think that I have much to say, difficult, coming up with the words that will be worthwhile to read, disheartening, others seem to lead such interesting lives of travel and adventure, and educational, I am learning about myself and the interior life of the mind and its accompanying emotions and thoughts. It is an ungrammatical endeavor, as I realize that I can neither spell, type, or punctuate, thank you spellcheck.
A friend and teacher dropped by last night on her way home from a conference for followers of the writings of Ken Wilber.  V walked into the room and brought a spaciousness of consciousness that was palpable. For those of us who do meditation a lot it is easy to discern someone whose thoughts and emotions are merely another aspect of the predicament of life rather than being the defining character of who they are.  She is a powerful yogini whose practices seems as eclectic as many of ours. She does a practice that involves placing the body in a position known as the bound lotus which is the crossed legged lotus position while adding the peculiar difficulty of grabbing each of the feet with the hand while the arms from the shoulders cross behind the back. She then meditates in that position.

As she arrived she floated into the room and as part of the process of welcoming her to the meditation room I removed her shoes and washed her feet.

Washing the feet is an interesting practice, it honors the guest as well as the host. The guest is treated as being an aspect of the divine the host for recognizing that aspect. V and I discussed this as something that some of the groups that she attends might do in diads where individuals do exercises to put them in touch with various forms of consciousness that are not normal in our society but are widely recognized in in the ancient world and many contemporary societies. The Pope does it on ceremonial occasions.

V is also a good listener and empathetic fellow traveler in life with whom I do guided imagery meditations and with Skype the wonderful communication program of the internet we spend hours together practicing.

Another blessing from the universe emerged in the form of a man who could be Santa Claus in both looks and demeanor, has the name associated with a fast food chain, and is unfailing kind. He had learned of my body's condition and was expressing his sympathy. When it became apparent to him that the condition is not immediately dire, we spoke of several venues of health that I am pursuing and he had two suggestions for me about people who he could recommend for acupuncture and rolfing both of which I wish to incorporate if possible. He even offered to pay for the initial visits to these men as an expression of his faith in their efficacy and competence.

The acupuncture is something that is not invasive and may help me with the side effects of the hormone suppressant drugs that I am taking.

I have hot flashes from the effects of the drugs. They take the emotional control that I normally could exercise and remove it. Many of the emotions that I have not dealt with in my life in a satisfactory manner are now heightened and sometimes produce reactions that are painful.  Abandonment is an issue in my life that has been something that I have feared so the universe has been training me in dealing with it in many ways.

From learning to deal with a wife that no longer wished to be married to a prima amiga who is adamant in not becoming involved with me beyond a certain level of comfort and will then leave to pursue her own sadhana to smaller issues. I have had the opportunity to learn that I bring the suffering of those experiences upon myself by what the Buddhists and others call grasping and that the grasping is the suffering.

While I have learned much it is still often painful. The hormone drugs have a way of fueling these emotions to an intensity and with a suddenness that can be overwhelming.

A quick example: Yesterday I was attempting to make an appointment to get a shot of a drug called Zometa, a drug that is useful for men taking hormone drugs to replace the calcium lost.  It is important.  I also was having tire problems with the car and having to get the hook that holds the spare in the car replaced as well as the tire replaced. Parts were not available. Time was not something that I felt that I had much of (after all my bones are falling apart), and while this normally would be an irritation, I was turning it over and over in my mind (watching the turning as a good Buddhist would do) until I had gotten so excited that after the phone call came from the Doctors office I cried. I had not been abandoned!

There are any number of options available to deal with this and I am employing several including therapy, meditation, and acupuncture. I know that some drugs exist to deal with this but I am not looking to become unconscious to my inner demons but rather learning to turn them into tools of deepening my spiritual practice.

Acupuncture has been a learning tool for me in the past and I am going to explore its potential in dealing with the side effects of hormone drugs. Rolfing and energy work may also have some salubrious effect. It is an exploration of the unknown.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Directions from the past

It was a beautiful blue sky filled with small white puffballs for clouds when the young boy decided to roll head over heals down the well cared for rich green lawn on the side of the hill. Tumbling head over hells in delight he rolled and rolled and rolled until he reached the bottom of the incline. At the bottom he discover a small one lane road which lay at the base of this slanted meadow.
As he looked around his parents driving in their 1956 tutone green and white chevrolet stopped open the right rear door and beckoned the boy to jump into the back seat.
Seeing his beloved parents he jumped into the car landing on the black plastic seats . His father smiled at him and turned back to the task of driving the car with its large white steering wheel enclosing a chrome circular horn ring.
"Hank Paulson did exactly the right thing in letting Leham Brothers fold as they did . It was a good sign to the markets that inherit risk is built into the system and that no one is too big to fail", His father intoned.
"This is a dream," I said. "I am having a dream."
"Yes you are,"replied my parents .
" We are your past , you must live in the present". They decreed.