Monday, February 7, 2011

Busy weekend

           Saturday night was the get together of the four pilgrims to John of God. We had pizza ,salad and pies and then a short meditation after which we spoke of the experience itself and what has happened since then.  I spoke of my desire to suspend disbelief and how I have noticed that I am more discriminating about what I do when I do have the understanding and faith I will proceed.
       R told the story of Carl Jung who when I asked if he believed in god said no, when further questioned he again said no but explained that he did not believe in god he knew it to be true. I am recovering my faith.
         All of us had stories that had the theme of opening our selves to having compassion for those around us to a much greater degree than before but all of us had the same ailments that we had had when we had gone.

            Yesterday I went to a festival of singing bowls. Various bowls made of metal that resonate with the chakras when they are played. S had  the event at her home. About twenty of us were laying in various configurations around her living room and dining room. The two leaders of the event were at the front of the room behind an array shiny bowls that they struck with wood mallets that had leather attache to the them. The sound was rich and full and was very pleasing with many  overtones to give great texture to what we were hearing.
           As we lay reclining in various positions S or one of the leaders would come over and strike one of the bowls in an area above our various chakra points. The sound penetrated our bodies and the resonance made for a deep feeling of well-being. After an hour and a half of this we arose  and just felt into the experience that we had just had.
          Very rich , one person described the feeling as being in heaven.
          I felt more positive about healing at that moment than I had in a long time and wished to enjoy the state even more.
           Came home to sit quietly and meditate in a very quite and peaceful manner .
           Arose this morning still vibrating from the evening before, did my calm meditation and became focused and centered again.
             Climbed a local mountain and then went to the internist who I showed some information that I had gotten from J whose wife to be is a naturopath. I am delighted to hear of his impending wedding and I hope that prima amiga and I can attend.
              The material is very useful and B the internist is going to check it out with a chemist he knows who specializes in this stuff to prepare a way to strengthen my immune system so that the provenge will be working with an immune system that is working at the highest efficiency for my best advantage.
            Tomorrow I see a healer at B's suggestion.
              It is an adventure!


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