Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Day

        I was given a gift of a Valentines day meal arrange by Prima Amiga through J who is the chef that provides my meals for me. It was Heirloom tomato soup, arugla salad, gnocchi , and chocolate strawberries for desert. What a wonderful mind blowing gift delicious, creative, loving and deeply appreciated.
        Last night we had a ver long conversation of the meta variety. Looking at what we were saying and it roots in our beings while the same time going through the emotions of the moment. These conversations can be difficult but the results that occur after the conversations have been a recommitment to the relationship that is stronger and clearer  and much more fulfilling.
          Yesterday was busy in that I spent  a great deal of time studying by telephone with Shinzen Young. The subject was feel focus. This is used technically to describe the location of awareness and how it changes and how to observe those changes.Just part of my learning curve . Spent three 45 minute meditations doing that. THen went to the Vipassana meditation group at the bookstore. Afterwards the subject of mindful eating came up and I decided to throw a party and have everyone do mindfulness eating at the party. Have to learn it since I seem to be the one that is going to lead it.
        Cleared the yard of more trash getting it ready for sale , told my next door neighbor that I was not gong to get involved in his scheme to stop the neighbor from leaving an illegal fence , he had said that he were gong to advise me he would advise against and I decided that htat was the correct advise.
         Have been listening to Bruce Lipton the author of the Biology of Belief on youtube. He described  his work with stem cells and how he noticed that they would be able to turn into any type of cell by merely controlling the environment that it is subjected to . From this he leads a rather logical group of steps in which he concludes that the environment of the subconscious if changed is the way that healing is the most possible. I get it.

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