Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The countdown begins

         Spent 90 minutes making friends down at the lab  where they are gong to test for PSA and several other things to see what they need to to give me the Zometa next Friday and the next results for the  doctor in LA to determine if I am eligible for provenge , the autologous process of removing and re-injecting white blood cells with prostate specific antigens so it can help the immune system deal with the cancer.
        Listened to Bruce Lipton the author of 'The Biology of Belief '  in  a series of lectures dealing with how a cell is controlled in it's environment. The series makes for fascinating listening and discussion. His hypothesis is that environment controls the  function of a cell and when an environment is under stress it shuts down the immune system for flight or fight. When the immune system is not being used the system it lets the organism go into safety mechanism however when the system is not under stress then the opposite of protection happens to a cell and that opposite is growth. Growth allows a system to heal itself and become well again. Much as a river that has been polluted badly will clean itself if the toxins are stopped from being dumped into the water.
        According to Lipton the greatest environmental impact on the growth of  a cell is the presence of love.
        "  All we need is love',
                       John Lennon

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