Sunday, January 23, 2011

An open letter to SHinzen Young

During your last retreat in LA you gave a lecture about the aesthetic qualities of mathematics. I sat enraptured by the talk and the following meditation.
When we retired from the chapel to meditated and observe, I went to my room and stood in front of a mirror and attempted a technique that I had not done for 30 years. As I looked into the mirror my physical countenance disappeared. It was an ability that I had acquired in an serendipitous way but after developing it as  an interesting phenomena, I was warned against pursuing it . I took the warning seriously and ceased .
Recently diagnosed with an advanced form of prostate cancer, I have had to face a number of choices that have various degrees gloom . The prognostication in the allopathic world is one of maintenance . I am pursuing these paths and have been using the skills that I have acquired in meditation to make  choices.
I had also be told by Ram Dass who I consulted at the beginning of my odyssey that the most important thing to do would be to follow my heart. That is a chief reason that I found myself as one of your students. I have followed my heart.
Recently I have become more cognizant of the situation I face and understand from my guru (Neem Karoli Baba) that I am already healed I just have to figure out how.
In a slow building towards realization I believe that remission, a word that has emerged quite prominently in various meditations that I had in LA is possible and achievable.
Since I have already done that which is generally considered impossible and I did it through the serendipitous guidance that I received from you I would like to pursue the process of using meditation to put the cancer into remission in hopes of not only doing for myself that but creating and path that others might walk to heal their own cancers by understanding that that which is considered impossible is possible and the limitations are in the mind.
Would you be willing to help in this process of  making remission a identifiable path that anyone could walk?
It certainly would make the process of dealing with the diagnosis  enjoyable and that is I believe is part of the method of achieving remission and even cure.
Would you please help?
Thank you ,

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